Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer of the Mosquitoes!

...I've been eaten alive!
Not quite, but leave us just say that my legs are quite covered in bites, in excess of 25 on each leg, especially around my ankles.
Constant itching makes quite the distraction from writing, drawing, knitting and other things, so I haven't been horribly productive. Also, househunting sometimes gets in the way of productivity, but man, have I found some really nice houses!

For those of you keeping track of the timeframe on Vicious Sun-
Beta Read starts this weekend.
Kickstarter start is somewhat in limbo with the house deal, but it will begin sometime in the month of September, and there will be many awesome backer rewards.
Cover is coming closer to completion. Yay cover art. Yay.

Um, in other non-mosquito-ey news, non book news, Epic Hats will be making an appearance at many conventions in the Midwest next year, if all works out. We're looking at about 10-15 conventions, so I foresee many hats in my future. Including the half completed Shiranui Okami hat, which will be finished and hopefully have a few partners for the convention circuit. I'm also planning a design for a Wolf Link hat, and many more, including some awesome patterned kool aid hat.

Cue epic lack of sleep soon, hehe.

Tania out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cover Art, Rough Draft, Fun Times for All!

Hi folks! You probably haven't heard too much from me lately, sorry for that. Life has been super busy. We finally tracked down the source of my allergies and allergy attacks, and I've got medications that are going to help me exist in the living world once more!

This means that luckily, I have had time to accomplish many things. I just got done at CONvergence selling hats in their art show, and for the first time ever selling my hats to the public, the event was fantastic! Everyone seemed really happy with their hats, and a few of them had multiple bids and one even made it to the live auction! I can't wait for next year, I'll be bringing a full 20 hats with me.

However, now the focus is on Vicious Sun. While doing hats, I also did a bit of the rough draft, and I got a good start on the cover art, which features the main character Kemi. I'll be posting pics of it once I have all of the flat colors done, which should hopefully be before the end of July.

Onto the rough draft.

I've discovered this wonderful little web application called Write or Die. If you're a NaNo veteran, you've probably heard of it. The idea is to make you write words. Many, many words. If you don't accomplish your set goal, there are punishments. The worst that I've had is that I paused for too long, and it started deleting my words. Slight panic attack ensued, and I made sure to not stop after that.

Along with the draft, I'm beginning to work on illustrations. I changed over the anatomy of the Skyborne (formerly Sparkfur, Neisti'kegawa, etc) and am very pleased with the results.

Kickstarter stuff.

The Kickstarter for Vicious Sun will begin either at the end of August or the beginning of September. This will be your chance to preorder the book in ebook, paperback, and hardcover, and get some pretty awesome goodies, including original signed art from the novel, tshirts, and a few other things. There is also a chance I will be doing a full color hardcover version of the book as a special edition limited run, but we'll have to see how things go first.

I'll have more information in the coming weeks including details of the novel, and maybe even a sneak peek at the current version of the prologue.

So spread the word! Vicious Sun is getting ready to take to the skies!
