Sunday, October 31, 2010

The beginning of a novel

So, as the clock slowly ticks down the final hour of freedom before the beginning of NaNoWriMo, I want to take a moment to once again go over the insanity of the coming month.
First off, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. You write a 50,000+ word novel in 30 days, beginning midnight November 1st and ending 11:59 November 30th. That averages out to 1667 words per day, or approximately 6.667 pages per day at 250 words per page (what you typically see in a trade paperback).
This is the first year I am actively partaking in NaNo, and I will updating *coughs* okay, procrastinating on here and the NaNo forums.
The title of the novel I'm going to write is tentatively Dragon Dance, and if you keep a watch on this blog, I'll be revealing some nice little tidbits about the story and characters. I'll start out with the main character.

Age-approximately 21
Main Character of the story
Likes- Foxes, spicy food, spices, meat
Dislikes- Anything sweet, pigeons, birds, masks, pigeons, waking up early, bright lights, pigeons
Has Ornithophobia, especially around pigeons

The name of the city where everything happens is Alra. The world is based mostly on our wonderful world with a few modifications, most noticeably is the inclusion of random magical and supernatural aspects. And laws that allow the wielding of weapons in public.

The tentative rating on this story is  going to be a little higher than my normal stories, I typically say 13+, but this time around I'm going 16+ just to be on the safe side. I'm not entirely certain how it will turn out, hence the upped rating, but we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out!

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